Genesis Equities LLC
Partnering Private Investment & Redevelopment
Genesis Equities LLC works to develop Private Real Estate Investment Opportunities for Individuals and Entities involving Upscale Residential and Commercial Lease Properties, specializing in the redevelopment of under-utilized sites. Genesis Equities has worked closely with City Municipalities to ensure redevelopment projects are desirable, comprehensive, and incorporate the long term planning goals of the community. Genesis Equities also specializes in creating Private / Public cooperatives to help relocate businesses whose properties are affected by future city planned changes to infrastructure.
Genesis owned properties are available for lease or private investment packages may be available to qualified investors.
* Developing & Redeveloping Upscale Multi-Unit Residential & Commerical Projects
* Working with Qualified Private Investors to Provide Lucrative Investment Opportunities
* Working with City Municipalities to Assist with Redevelopment of Under-utiized Sites
* Working with Businesses to Construct New Facilities & Successfully Relocate their Business
* Property Management Services
Licensed Broker in the State of Iowa